How to Grow a Beard
Learn how to grow a beard and stimulate the growth of your facial hair, care for your new beard and what products to use.
Growing Out Your Facial Hair
The first step on how to grow a beard is to shave regularly! But you want to grow a beard right? So why shave? Well, in order to grow a beard, you’ll want your facial hair to grow out evenly. This means regular shaving for those with patchy, uneven and/or thin beards. If your beard isn’t growing out evenly around your face, keep shaving until it does. Be patient. It will come!
If you’re unsure if your beard is growing out evenly, shave everything off and then monitor the growth. You’re looking for stubble. Basically what you want is for your beard under your chin line to grow at about the same rate as your sideburns. Once you have achieved this, then you’re good to grow!
Beard still patchy or just not growing out evenly?
If your beard isn’t growing out evenly, or you’re fed up with shaving everyday and simply can’t wait to grow that legendary mane, then we’ve got a few tips that we think might help you to try and speed up the process.
Regular workouts, cardio and even strength training a couple of times a week. This will increase testosterone levels which in turn can help speed up facial hair growth.
The average adult needs at least six hours sleep a night. The body uses this time to repair and grow and that includes our hair. So, guys; don’t skimp on your forty winks!

Diet & Vitamins
Healthy Diet = Healthy Beard.
Increase Vitamin D levels. Besides taking supplements, a great way to achieve this is by spending time outside in the sunshine, where your body can absorb Vitamin D from the Sun’s rays naturally. Alternatively, introducing; Eggs, Oily Fish and Cod into your diet might be the way to go. Other key Vitamins and Minerals would include Vitamins B, D & E, found in Salmon, Dairy and Avocado; Zinc, found in Red Meats, Broccoli, Spinach, Liver and Oysters and Iron, found in Pumpkin Seeds. You can find Zinc & Avocado in our Beard Balm, Avocado in our Beard Butter, Pro Vitamin B5 in our Ultra Premium Beard Oil and Vitamin E in all of our products.
Take care of your skin. It’s important to address any issues that may keep your hair from growing evenly and looking great. If you suffer with skin conditions such as Rosacea, Acne, or Dryness consult your Doctor before you start your growth journey.
Trimming any facial hair you have off, then shaving close to the skin. This will ensure that your growth will be as even as possible. Now do nothing for the next month. Let nature take its course. Wash your face and beard regularly and take care of your skin. Use a dedicated beard wash. Avoid washing your face with very hot water; or taking very hot showers and/or baths, as that will likely cause the skin to dry out prematurely. Therefore post-washing, when your follicles are clean, it’s imperative that a good moisturiser is always used.

Pro Vitamin B5
Pro Vitamin B5 is widely considered to be the ultimate essential vitamin for hair growth and health.
Keep your face and neck regularly moisturised. This will help keep your hair follicles healthy and stimulated. Pro Vitamin B5 is widely considered to be the ultimate essential vitamin for hair growth and health. Widely recognised for its ability to increase circulation which is essential for growing facial hair, its no surprise that Pro Vitamin B5 is a key ingredient in our Ultra Premium Beard Oil.
Many of us might give up the growth and revert back to shaving because of Beard Itch! Don’t fret however, Beard Itch will only usually last for up to four weeks, providing you use a good quality Premium Beard Oil to soften the follicles. We recommend using a Premium Beard Oil from the Bard’s Noble Collection or if you are looking for something a bit more special, then the order of the day would be an Ultra Premium Beard Oil from the Bard’s Legendary Collection to soften your beard as it grows and help alleviate that dreaded Beard Itch. An essential component of the Beardsmans’ Grooming Arsenal; Shakesbeard’s Premium or Ultra Premium Beard Oil will feed your new beard with essential Vitamins and Fatty Acids that will help to strengthen, condition, hydrate & moisturise your face and beard. In addition to this, Shakesbeard’s Premium Quality Beard Oil’s have been specifically formulated to:
– help reduce beard itch & dandruff
– promote new and healthy hair growth.
Massage the Beard Oil into the beard and skin and comb through using a good quality Boar Bristle Brush to ensure even distribution throughout the beard.
We’re all different and our beards will grow at very different rates. While it may seem to take an eternity for some guys to grow beards, others will appear to sprout whiskers between breakfast and lunch. No matter what age or maturity level you’re at, it’s important to stay patient…but more importantly; stay Bearded!
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